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What I’m Wednesday 52

Welcome to the place where I share what I’m up to each week and a bit of my real life outside of the blog.

pink lilies in bloom outside


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My son’s first steps! You go little man!! 

About five seconds after he took them, he toddled into our bedroom and pulled a drink down off a night table. And so it begins but I am so happy.


My garden. My lilies are in full bloom and smell so good and look so pretty. I am an absolutely terrible gardener so the fact that I manage to grow these flowers each year and they turn into gigantic blooms the size of my head is nothing short of a miracle. But don’t ask me how I do it. Because truthfully, I really have no clue. It’s dumb luck.


Finally finishing my daughter’s mural. I’ve been painting a mural in her room for the last 9 months or so of a unicorn sitting on a cloud. That cloud will be connected to another cloud via a rainbow. On the second cloud there is a pink castle. It’s pretty much like the inside of my mind exploded on her walls, but she is the one that has requested these elements. And when I work on her mural, she’ll often be in the room with me asking me to add other things on the fly. “Mommy can the unicorn have flowers on her horn? Can there be butterflies around the rainbow? And can you add heart flowers?” 


I’m almost finished with What You Wish For by Katherine Center. It’s a really well written story but it’s a little heavier than most of what I’ve been reading lately. The backstory for the male lead is really sad and it made it hard for me to read. I think I need to switch back to more straight out rom coms until the end of the pandemic.


We’ve been in the swamp this week and watching the Shrek movies with our daughter. Shrek 2 was one of my favorite movies in college and I had forgotten how funny it is. Seriously good!

I’m still slowly working my way through the last season of Alexa and Katie on Netflix too. The teen friendship sitcom is about my speed right now. Lots of schmaltz plenty of cheese.


I wish I was still eating lobster rolls, but alas, I am done testing and photographing that recipe. In all honesty, it’s been so hot here lately that we’re doing lots of no cook meals: big hummus platters with this lemon pesto hummus, fresh veggies and pita wedges. Oh and this Caprese panzanella. Yum! 


Summer thunderstorms. Is there anything better than a good storm after a really hot, humid day? I love watching them out the window and absolutely adore the smell of summer rain on a hot pavement. Yankee candle needs to get on making that a smell right now.

That’s it for me this week! What are you up to? How are you all holding up? Leave me a comment and let me know!


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