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What I’m Wednesday 66

Welcome to the place where I share what I’m up to each week and a bit of my real life outside of the blog.Horse licking a girl's hood in the snow

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First up…

So I didn’t post last week because a fish fiasco occured.

A few years ago, the Easter Bunny gifted our daughter a beta fish, which she has named Ariel.

Well, we were on Ariel the Third, having covertly switched the fish without her knowing twice.

This time, our daughter discoverd Ariel died. And we couldn’t do anything about it because of the terrible winter weather we’d been having.

On a day in between snowstorms, we collectively made the trip to the pet store to buy Ariel the Fourth and a little snail to go in the tank.

The snail died the next day.

Ariel the Fourth died the following day.

So my devastated daughter decided she wanted to get a different kind of fish: pink glofish.

Well, we got all set up for them and then last Wednesday we went and bought the glofish. Apparently glofish need to live in a school so we brought home not 1 not 2 but 5 fish.

I do not recommend this.

Not at all.

Glo fish are higher maintenance than I was led to believe and setting up the tank and introducing these fish was a process.

And just guess how many of them survived the night.

Yeah, if you guessed absolutely none, you are right.

0/10. Do not recommend.


This beautiful weather! My daughter and I took a nice long walk and she got a kiss from one of her horse friends. So glad it’s finally not snowing.


Still watching Firefly Lane. I’m disappointed by how different it is from the book, but I do like it. 

Also watched the last To All the Boys. It was cute but definitely the weakest movie of the three.


Still working through this list of romcoms that should be made into movies. But I took a detour because I enjoyed The Royal Treatment by Melanie Summers so much. I am currently reading The Honeymooner by Melanie Summers and I am delighted to see old characters make an appearance in this book.


We’ve been really into these cheesesteak sliders lately and also been loving gnocchi caprese, roasted asparagus pasta and skillet ziti. It’s that point in winter where I just want the comfort carbs you know?

That’s it from me this week! What are you up to? Leave me a comment below and let me know!


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